"use strict"; jQuery.fn.exists = function (callback) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); if (this.length) { callback.call(this, args); } return this; }; (function ($) { "use strict"; var khmerScript = { initAll: function () { this.menuShowHide(); this.searchOpen(); }, menuShowHide: function () { var $primary_menu = $("#primary-site-navigation"); var $secondary_menu = $("#secondary-site-navigation"); var $first_menu = ""; var $second_menu = ""; if ($primary_menu.length == 0 && $secondary_menu.length == 0) { return; } else { if ($primary_menu.length) { $first_menu = $primary_menu; } } var menu_wrapper = $first_menu.clone().appendTo("#smobile-menu"); if ($secondary_menu.length) { if ($("ul.smenu").length) { var $second_menu = $secondary_menu .find("ul.smenu") .clone() .insertAfter("#smobile-menu .primary-menu .pmenu"); } else { var $second_menu1 = $secondary_menu .find(".smenu > ul") .clone() .insertAfter("#smobile-menu .primary-menu .pmenu"); } } $( "#smobile-menu .header-content-container.navigation-layout-large" ).remove(); $(".toggle-mobile-menu").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!$("body").hasClass("mobile-menu-active")) { $("#smobile-menu").show().addClass("show"); $("body").toggleClass("mobile-menu-active"); } else { khmerScript.callFunctionHideMenu(); } }); $( '' ).insertAfter( $(".menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a") ); $( ".menu-item-has-children .sub-arrow, .page_item_has_children .sub-arrow" ).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var subMenuOpen = $(this).hasClass("sub-menu-open"); if (subMenuOpen) { $(this).removeClass("sub-menu-open"); $(this) .find("i") .removeClass("fa-angle-up") .addClass("fa-angle-down"); $(this) .next("ul.children, ul.sub-menu") .removeClass("active") .slideUp(); } else { $(this).addClass("sub-menu-open"); $(this) .find("i") .removeClass("fa-angle-down") .addClass("fa-angle-up"); $(this) .next("ul.children, ul.sub-menu") .addClass("active") .slideDown(); } }); if ($("#wpadminbar").length) { $("#smobile-menu").addClass("wpadminbar-active"); } }, searchOpen: function () { $(".btn-search").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(".search-style-one").addClass("open"); $(".overlay").find("input").focus(); }); $(".overlay-close").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(".search-style-one").removeClass("open"); }); $(document).on("click", function (e) { $(".search-style-one").removeClass("open"); }); $(".search-style-one").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); }, callFunctionHideMenu: function () { $("#smobile-menu").removeClass("show"); jQuery("body").removeClass("mobile-menu-active"); jQuery("html").removeClass("noscroll"); jQuery("#mobile-menu-overlay").fadeOut(); }, }; $(document) .ready(function (e) { khmerScript.initAll(); }) .on("click", function (event) { khmerScript.callFunctionHideMenu(); }); // Initialize gototop for carousel if ($("#goTop").length > 0) { // Hide the toTop button when the page loads. $("#goTop").css("display", "none"); // This function runs every time the user scrolls the page. $(window).scroll(function () { // Check weather the user has scrolled down (if "scrollTop()"" is more than 0) if ($(window).scrollTop() > 0) { // If it's more than or equal to 0, show the toTop button. $("#goTop").fadeIn("slow"); } else { // If it's less than 0 (at the top), hide the toTop button. $("#goTop").fadeOut("slow"); } }); // When the user clicks the toTop button, we want the page to scroll to the top. jQuery("#goTop").click(function (event) { // Disable the default behaviour when a user clicks an empty anchor link. // (The page jumps to the top instead of // animating) event.preventDefault(); // Animate the scrolling motion. jQuery("html, body").animate( { scrollTop: 0, }, "slow" ); }); } })(jQuery);